Week’s End Roundup

Ursula Le Guin

Happy end of the week to everyone! As this blog is new, I thought I’d have a spot where I could add a little something I found during the week. Since we don’t always have time to go through larger lists and read everything, it’ll be one interesting find during the week.

This week, I was surprised to find that one of the greats was giving away answers to questions from her amazing perspective.

I came across an interesting article and link while going through my Twitter feed about Ursula Le Guin, author of the Earthsea series, for those familiar with it. One bit of advice for finding interesting information online is to dig. Sometimes Google Fu works best (typing in something you’re interested in) but I find it more interesting to follow cool people on Twitter who are writers.

The Passive Voice talks about Ursula Le Guin’s idea to do an online writing workshop where she answers questions to do with the craft of writing rather than the business. In a typical Le Guin amazing metaphor, she uses the idea of “We won’t be talking about how to sell a ship, but how to sail one.”

Image: By Gorthian (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)%5D, via Wikimedia Commons.

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